Vasectomy is a great option for men who have decided they don’t want the risk of causing a pregnancy. Vasectomy is a simple procedure, done under local anesthesia, in which the vas deferens are interrupted in order to prevent sperm from joining semen. In No-Scalpel Vasectomy, the vas deferens are accessed via a very small skin opening in the upper, front of the scrotum (ball sack), just below where the penis and the scrotum join.
In preparation for the procedure, you’ll need to remove hair in the area to make it a cleaner and more efficient procedure. You have various hair removal options available and you’ll want to consider factors such as safety, effectiveness, and personal preference.
The area for hair removal is shown in this drawing.
Shaving is the most common method for removing hair from the area. This video shows a straightforward approach (in this case, being done by a doctor, prior to a vasectomy). It is recommended you shave 3 days in advance so that if you nick the skin, it will close prior to the procedure. Recommended steps for shaving include:
The Schick Intuition Razor, which has shaving cream included, has been recommended by patients as a good option for this job, but any razor is fine.
Another option is to use an electric razor. “The Lawn Mower” from Manscaped has been frequently recommended by patients.
Remember, you’ll have some weeks of mild itching as the hair grows back after shaving.
Depilatory creams (like Nair) are an option. Some people have a skin reaction when using it in a sensitive area like the genitals, so it is very important to test it in a small area before proceeding.
You may chose waxing for hair removal prior to a vasectomy. If you haven’t waxed before, it is highly recommended you use a salon instead of doing it yourself, as there are risks of causing irritation or even severe damage to the skin. Waxing can be painful (more painful than the vasectomy!), but it does have the advantage that there is no itchiness as the hair grows back.
Permanent hair removal done using laser or electrolysis may also be done, but not necessary before vasectomy, of course.
In summary, you’ve got lots of options for hair removal prior to your vasectomy. You can keep it simple or you can get more elaborate. Each method has its pros and cons and in the end, it is a personal preference.