Vasectomy is a male form of birth control. The procedure, usually done a doctor’s office, cuts the supply of sperm to the semen. It has a low risk of complications. It is best for men that are sure that they don’t want to father a child in the future, but vasectomy reversals are possible.
It is the most sure form of birth control that exists (besides abstinence).
Insurance usually covers vasectomy.
Read on for more information!
In this video, Dr. Tonozzi, the founder and physician for Go Vasectomy, gives you the information you need if you are considering vasectomy. This is what you’d hear if you went to the doctor for a vasectomy “consultation.” So, for most guys, consultation isn’t necessary with Go Vasectomy.
We’ve got a simple process
Review the page you’re on now
Watch the video above to be sure you know what to expect.
Decide if you’d like a consultation before the procedure or not.
Sign up at the Make Appointment page.
You may wish to have a consultation before the vasectomy, either to meet Dr. Tonozzi or because you’d like to use the relaxer medication prior to the procedure. This will be done via ZOOM. We’ll schedule the vasectomy at the time of the consultation. If an in-office consultation is needed because you have a medical issue, we can arrange for that at the time of a ZOOM consultation or via a phone call.
No follow up visit is needed! We recommend a home semen analysis 2 months after the vasectomy to be sure you’re sperm-free. An office visit can be arranged if one is needed to check something out.
Hey what do you mean, a vasectomy without a scalpel? Don’t you need to open the skin? Well yes, but here’s how it works.
All vasectomies work by interrupting the two vas deferens (the tubes carrying the sperm) just above the testicles.
Using the traditional (with scalpel) vasectomy, 2 one inch incisions are made in the scrotum, and then the tissue is dissected (cut away) to find the vas deferens.
With the No-scalpel vasectomy, a single quarter inch opening is made in the front of the scrotum using a “ring forcep” and a “disseting forcep” (pictured to the left). Both tubes are brought out of one opening to cut them.
The No-scalpel procedure is much less surgery, so it minimizes pain, recovery time and risks. Interestingly, it is much more reliable at preventing pregnancy than the traditional vasectomy!
Instead of using a needle and syringe to inject numbing medication, No-needle anesthesia uses a specialized instrument to create a high power spray over the skin and vas to anesthetize (numb) the area. If additional anesthetic is needed after this initial spray, it may be injected, but there’s no pain with that, since the area is already partially numbed.
Total Price: Our total charge for vasectomy is $885. We do not normally have a visit following the procedure in order to do the semen analysis. Instead, we recommend a home semen analysis that you purchase for $60 (we’ll give you details at the time of the procedure). If you wish to have a consultation prior to the vasectomy, the cost is $120.
Deposit: There is a deposit of $220 payable at the time you make an appointment for a vasectomy or a consultation. For a vasectomy, you may cancel or reschedule until 1 week prior to the appointment, but this is non-refundable if you cancel or reschedule within 1 week of the appointment. You may cancel or reschedule a consultation until 24 hours prior to the appointment, but after this, it is non-refundable.
Trailheads clinic members receive a discounted total price of $795 for the vasectomy. We will verify your membership at the time of the procedure.
See THIS PAGE for details or see THIS PAGE for a comparison of vasectomy prices in Colorado.
When you make an appointment, if you have any of the following insurances, you’ll give us the insurance information.
We are in network with:
You will pay the “allowable amount,” which is $740-$800 (depending on the insurance company) at the time of your appointment. We then submit your information to insurance. When we are notified that you are eligible or that insurance will pay us, we will refund anything due to you.
Other insurances for which we are out of network (including Anthem Blue Cross, Cigna, etc.): If you have other insurance, we’ll give you the paperwork you need to submit it the payment to insurance. Chances are, you have a deductible, and here’s how it works:
You will pay the full amount at the time of the appointment ($885). We will give you paperwork to submit to your insurance so that the insurance company”allowed charge” is applied to your deductible. This is usually $450 for vasectomy. So, you’ll pay a total of $885 and $450 will be applied to your out-of-network deductible. If you have already spent your deductible (or your deductible is less than $450), then you can submit the paperwork to insurance to request reimbursement.
If you HAVE met your deductible, then you will send the paperwork to your insurance company. They should reimburse you the amount that they allow for the procedure, usually $450-$550.
Sorry, we can’t be sure your insurance will work this way. Please speak to your insurance company in advance to verify their policy. Advise them the procedure code is 55250 and that this is being done in an office (not a hospital). The diagnosis code is Z98.52. Tell them our Tax ID number is 87-1513347 and the procedure will be done by Dr Christopher Tonozzi at Go Vasectomy.
Insurance pre-authorization is not needed for vasectomy done in the office.
Medicaid (Health First Colorado, Rocky Mountain Health Plans PRIME or RAE): Not accepted at this time.
Day of procedure: Following the procedure, take it very easy on the couch, bed or recliner. Relax! Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain.
Day following the procedure: You may walk and drive as much as you like, but no sports, yard work, swimming, or heavy lifting. If your job is sedentary (office work or supervisor), you may return to work.
Second day following the procedure: You may return to to more strenuous work and exercise. When the discomfort is resolved, you can return to normal activity and exercise. This is generally within 3-4 days.
Use your compression briefs full time for the first 2 days and for the first week if you’re doing strenuous exercise.
Resume sex one week following the procedure.
Showering: It’s OK to shower anytime, but don’t soak in water (bath, pool, hot tub) for the first 2 days.
It’s best to consider vasectomy permanent and if you’re not as sure as possible, consider another form of contraception. There is surgery to reverse vasectomy, but it is not always effective, and it is expensive. Sperm banking is a consideration if you’re not sure you are ready for something permanent. There is a bank in Boulder County (Cryogam) and other banks are arranging samples to be picked up from home or mailed.
Dr. Tonozzi has been a practicing family physician for 30 years and doing vasectomies all of that time. In 2020, he started “Go Vasectomy” in order to spend more time doing vasectomies. He is performing more than 60 vasectomies per month, more than any other doctor in Colorado.
In his spare time you’ll find him enjoying time with friends and family in the outdoors, biking, skiing or running rivers.